Next Generation

Financial Technology

Quant Finance


Asset Optimization


Software Engineering


Data Modeling


Valdon Group is a Swiss-German fintech supplier located in the center of Zurich, Switzerland. The company's goal is to translate cutting edge academic knowledge, research and technology into consultancy and software services designed for regulatory compliancy and decision making in the ever growing field of financial technology. The repertoire of expertise covers autonomous advisory systems, model validation, model development, portfolio optimization, market making, risk evaluation and assessment, as well as data science, statistical inference, machine learning, artificial intelligence and blockchain. Our team is specialized in E2E software design and development tailored to the needs of financial technology firms. As a natural companion, Valdon also offers plain technology and quant finance consulting.


Model Building

Develop, build, and implement

Valdon is a specialist in model development and building with focus on large scale risk and trading models for assessing and predicting business related quantities of time series. Examples are rating tools, value-at-risk and expected shortfall forecasts, quantile predictions, and dynamic margin requirement models for exchanges and clearing houses. Particular attention is given to most recent developments in technology and research in univariate and multivariate time series modeling and applications.

Data Analysis

Big data and deep learning made real

Data science is a good deal more valuable than most firms realize, and a great untapped resource. By combining the various types of data accumulated in a company's daily business, potentially scattered around different departments, systems and entities, business activities can be substantially enhanced and refined. Valdon offers the necessary knowhow, statistical expertise, partnerships and technology to uncover, analyze and process big data. This includes the latest endeavors in machine learning.


Making the most of it

Optimization is key to success in understanding complex systems. Valdon offers specialists' knowledge and tailored solutions to optimization problems in statistics, econometrics, and other data related fields, such as bioinformatics and computer vision. Topics in finance include risk management, option pricing, high frequency data analysis, and portfolio optimization, to name a few. Modern optimization methods and techniques are a cornerstone of Valdon and available in-house. Also, Valdon covers the technical side of the story.

Model Validation

Regulatory Compliance

Being regulatory compliant is becoming stringent and a competitive factor. Due to soaring regulators' demand for better analytics and more frequent reporting, banks, insurers and other financial institutions need to continuously validate their internal risk and trading models. Valdon provides a suite of validations for a broad spectrum of risk models: variance, value-at-risk, expected shortfall, portfolio downside risk, time series risk factors, rating tools, and others; tailored to individual requirements and specifications if desired.


Lars Jochen Krause, PhD
Managing Partner
Sven Christian Steude, PhD
Managing Partner

Financial Technology Expertise

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